
For scything blue, it's in June
you'd need to walk with me here —
for bridling pink to be by your side,
for droves of yellows to appear.

Come mid-July, they'll be gone —
and a spot further on,
crowded with bristling purple on steepling stalks.

I'd count on them being back next year — in June, not before —
but to whom are they really in thrall, after all?

I made a recording of the poem in song form on the 16th of September 2022.

I recorded a reading of the poem in October 2022.

Composed mostly whilst walking along Jonsvannsveien/Engelsåsveien/Nyjordveien on the evening of the 22nd of June 2022, with some editing from the 23rd to the 29th, and further slight tweaks on the evening of the 13th of September.

Last updated: 12:24 (GMT+2), 8th August 2023