A few little poems of my own, the first, second, and fifth of which I've set to music. They are all written in verse, and make use of rhyme.
A setting of two poems by W.B.Yeats to music: A coat and The host of the air. And a setting of one by Robert Herrick to music: Come bring with a noise (Ceremonies for Christmas).
Some translations from Norwegian to English of poems by Kolbein Falkeid, in the order in which I translated them:
On the night sea (På natthavet)
I envy (Jeg misunner)
Your poem (Diktet ditt)
Wavelength (Bølgelengde)
It all (Alt)
Or this maybe (Eller dette kanskje)
Morning (Morgen)
Night plane over townlet (Nattfly over småby)
Established facts (Kjensgjerninger)
On edge (Anspent)
A different sun (parts X and XII) (En annen sol)
Yarrow (Ryllik)
The first (Den første)
The seamen (Sjøfolkene)
A translation from Norwegian to English of a poem by Inger Hagerup: Fleeting encounter (Kort møte).
A translation of a few extracts from the long poem «Ho» ("Her") by Christine Kjellstrøm Melby:
Last updated: 14:22 (GMT+1), 6th March 2025